50/50 Raffle Happening Now!

Elsie-Vinemaple R.F.P.D., through its non-profit arm, is excited to announce our new 50/50 Raffle Series!
Tickets are $5 each and a limited number will be sold!
You can purchase your tickets by clicking here, or in person at the following local businesses:
* Baker's General Store
* Elderberry Inn (both the bar and restaurant)
* Camp 18 Restaurant
The drawing for the winner will be held at the Firefighter Association monthly meeting on the second Friday of each month at Fire Station One across from Baker's General Store and the Elderberry Inn. This is a public meeting and everyone is welcome to attend, but the winner need not be present to win.
The winner will split the pot with the Fire Fighters Association.
As always, thank you for supporting your Fire Department and good luck in the drawing!